Fiber Optic Network
We support customers through all aspects of system development, lending our expertise in integration of end-to-end fiber optic systems and design for harsh environments.We can refer you to the expert with the relevant professional experience to handle your case. We provide for our clients skilled professionals such as electrical engineers, telecommunications engineers, researchers, mobile and wireless technology experts, technology consultants, computer examiners, mechanical engineers, and other highly qualified professionals.
We offer:
- Fiber Optic Installations;
- Design & Building of FO and FO Passive traces;
- Low voltage cable installation;
- Fusion splicing and measurement;
- Network connectivity and Structure cabling;
- FO traces measurement with OTDR;
- Measurement of Chromatic Dispersion (CD) and Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD);
- Installation of FO Junction Boxes and Optical Distribution Frames (ODF);
- Locating Cable Faults and Emergency Restoration;
- FTTH Broadband Networks;
- Fiber Certification & Compliance Testing;
- Delivery of components for optical cable lines.